CyLab SV Briefing 11/11/11: "One of Very Few Forums Where You Can Actually Bridge Practical With the Theoretical & the Shift Thinking Away from the Day to Day to the Future."
The Mayan calendar has ended, and that marvelous date 11/11/11 has come and gone. The world did not implode. We are still here. Which is what the Mayan elders assured those who had the common sense to actually consult them instead of tabloid mystics and pop culture pseudo-shaman. Of course, great changes are at hand, including the collapse of the planetary climate human civilization has been predicated upon for two millennia, but the human experiment continues.
Spending the morning of 11/11/11 at the Fall 2011 CyLab Silicon Valley Briefing immersed in the latest cyber security and privacy was a life-affirming exercise. Nothing is more vital to the future of that human experiment than information and information systems, nothing is more vital to the future of information and information systems than cyber security and privacy.
The CyLab Silicon Valley Briefing is a bi-annual event I developed to raise awareness of CyLab's presence at theCarnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley Campus (CMU SV), in NASA Research Park, Moffett Field, California. It is an invitation-only event that brings together a small group of twenty to thirty leaders in business, security technology, federal law enforcement and the news media to interact with a few of CyLab's fifty plus faculty members for research updates in several major research areas.
Our 11/11/11 event included attendees from Adobe Systems, Oracle, McAfee, Symantec, Microsoft Research, the U.S. Secret Service, the San Francisco Examiner and the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) among other organizations, and featured updates from five CyLab researchers, followed by a sumptuous Middle Eastern luncheon in a relaxed atmosphere that allowed for meaningful engagement. I designed the CyLab Silicon Valley Briefing is to be sort of an anti-conference: free, paperless, intentionally small (the room can fit 40 but we keep at 30 so there is elbow room for everyone), no advertising, invitation only (all by direct one on one e-mail exchange), and only half a day.
Here are the perspectives of a couple of attendees.
Lawrence D. Dietz, COL (Retired), General Counsel and Managing Director of Information Security, TAL Global Corporation (San Jose, California): "The CMU CyLab events are a great investment of time. They are one of the very few forums where you can actually bridge the practical with the theoretical and shift your thinking away from the day to day to the future. The variety of presentations is attractive because invariably a nugget from each one will strike a responsive chord and give you something to take back to your colleagues. CyLab is able to apply theoretical research to practical problems. In my opinion, the work being done by Dr. Annapum Datta with respect to automating HIPAA compliance is nothing short of revolutionary. In an era of shrinking health care provider budgets and growing needs to protect patient information intelligent and sensitive automation combined with fail safe procedures and human safeguards have tremendous potential. While no one can envy the task of converting laws into machine language, a project such as Dr. Datta's is pioneering how health care providers will operate in the future to cost effectively insure that their patient's medical data remains private."
Greg Reber, CEO, Astech Consulting: "This was my first Cylab conference and I was quite impressed. Cylab is solving real-world problems that require cutting edge research into emerging technologies - exactly what I was looking for. The speakers were extremely knowledgeable in their fields, and the format allowed for group discussions and input. This was well worth the time, and I will make it a priority to attend future Cylab conferences."
Here is a look at the event's agenda, with links to the CyLab researchers bios and their 11/11/11 presentations:
Jonathan McCune spoke on Trustworthy Computing and Attestation McCune is one of three co-authors of Bootstrapping Trust in Modern Computers with CyLab Research Director Adrian Perrig and CMU PhD. Bryan Parno, winner of the 2010 Doctoral Dissertation Award from the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). (See also Parno, McCune And Perrig Author Book On Bootstrapping Trust In Modern Computing.) Copies of the book, signed by McCune, were given to attendees as gifts.
Martin Griss, Dean of the CMU SV Campus and Director of the CyLab Mobility Research Center (MRC) spoke on CMU SV's Disaster Management Initiative (DMI).
Collin Jackson spoke on Web Security. (CMU is very much a global entity, and this reality was underscored as Jackson's presentation was delivered remotely from Seoul, where he had traveled for high-level meetings with an industry leader.)
Anupam Datta spoke on Principled Audit Mechanisms for Privacy
Patrick Tague spoke on Enabling Secure Mobile Disaster Communications
-- Richard Power
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