Saturday, June 12, 2010
Notes on TIW 2010: The Builders & Building Blocks of Trustworthy Infrastructure
Notes on TIW 2010: The Builders & Building Blocks of Trustworthy Infrastructure
by Richard Power
Organized by Carnegie Mellon CyLab, co-sponsored by HP Labs and AMD, and the National Science Foundation (NSF), the second annual Trusted Infrastructure Workshop (TIW) was held on the main Carnegie Mellon campus in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (6/7/10-6/11/10).
Attending TIW is not for the faint-hearted, or weak-minded.
For fifty plus hours, over four and a half days, TIW participants were immersed in an ambitious agenda, including both research workshops, ranging from "Trusted Infrastructure Problem Space and Challenges" (led by HP Labs' Boris Balacheff) to “Chains of Trust and Dynamic Measurements (led by CyLab Research Director Adrian Perrig) and practical hands-on laboratory sessions, ranging from “TPM” (led by IBM’s Ken Goldman) to “Dynamic Roots of Trust” (led by CyLab’s Jonathan McCune).
TIW 2010 also featured presentations by experts from government, industry and academia (e.g., Microsoft’s Paul England on “TPM.Next”, HP's Mauricio Sanchez on Trusted Networking for Next Generation Data Center, and Wave's Robert Thibadeau on Storage Security) as well as several “Trustworthy Computing 101” sessions, (e.g., CyLab’s Bryan Parno on Bootstrapping Trust 101”).
Here are some glimpses into the compelling content of TIW 2010:
Notes on TIW 2010: Hands On, Practical Lab Exploring Roots of Dynamic Trust, Spirited Research Workshop on "Chains of Trust & Dynamic Measurement"
Notes on TIW 2010: Q & A with Boris Balacheff of HP Labs & Ron Perez of AMD Articulate the TIW Vision
Notes on TIW 2010: CyLab Director Virgil Gligor Issues "A Challenge for Trustworthy Computing"
Notes on TIW 2010: CyLab's Bryan Parno on Bootstrapping Trust 101
NOTE: We will be posting video from several TIW 2010 sessions to CyBlog, so stay tuned.