The CyLab program is fueled by the support of corporations and government agencies looking for both the vital research that delivers answers to difficult questions and the probing minds that articulate those answers.
Every week, during the school year, the CyLab Seminar Series provides updates on the latest research by our faculty, as well as fby visiting scholars from other prestigious institutions. In addition to these academic research presentations, occasional Business Risks Forum events feature security experts from business and government to deliver invaluable insights on the facts on the ground in the operational environment.
Access to our weekly webcasts and on-line archive of Cylab Seminar Series is one of the exclusive benefits of membership in the CyLab's private sector consortium.
From time to time, CyLab offers rare glimpses into its Seminar Series with the release of select videos via both the CyLab You Tube Channel and CyLab at iTunesU.
On February 27th, 2012, CyLab presented security intelligence expert Mike Susong in a CyLab Seminar Series Business Risks Forum event. Susong, co-founder of iSIGHT, spoke on Application Of Intelligence Principles To Raise IT Security To The Next Level.